An Oh SO Momentous Occasion

Back in March of 2015, my now teenage son went for his first orthodontic consultation. He was SO excited, unlike when I was growing up and braces were not exactly something to get excited about. These days they are a fashion statement. I remember him being so disappointed that he wouldn’t be able to get his braces for yet another year. He needed spacers to create room for a few molars to grow in. He was able to get his braces put on the following year and gosh was he excited. Every appointment meant cool colored rubber-bands, you know, red and black to support his favorite college football team (Go DAWGS! Congrats on the Rose Bowl win).

Fast forward another year and my son who is now taller than I am, got his braces removed today!! I’m so happy for him. He hated his smile before because he had spacing issues. He now has a new smile for the New Year and gets to go back to school with the best gift he could have received for the holidays.

To celebrate, we went to Dunkin Donuts and then got some thrifting in. We stopped into a nearby Goodwill location and I was able to pick up 3 items (a sweater dress, a khaki skirt and a new coffee mug for my husband). Funny story about the coffee mug (well maybe not so funny because it involves what probably is a 3rd degree burn) I went looking for a new mug that is microwave safe because he has post dramatic (yes, not traumatic) stress after burning his finger taking a mug out of the microwave. I commend him for holding on to spare breaking it and dealing with a messy clean-up; so he deserves his safety cup.

I’m So Rosie,

Stay Rosy Y’all

IG #StyleChallenge 1.2.18

Everything thrifted today. Love this little GAP backpack!


We’ve said our goodbyes to 2017. I for one am not sad to see it go. 2017 was a year filled with Ups and Downs for me. In my last post, I talked briefly about a few ups and downs including my weight gain and how challenging that has been for me. While that has been difficult by far the worse was experiencing a pregnancy loss. It was an extremely difficult time for my husband and I, but we didn’t share it with many people. Perhaps keeping all those emotions inside manifested into other behaviors such as overeating. We are looking forward to putting it behind us and trying again. On the positive side 2017 was a good year in some aspects. I started a new job, actually I changed professions. Talk about a huge transition but it was definitely worth it. I’ve learned so much, diversified my skillset and increased my stability.

I’m looking forward to 2018 and while I can honestly say I have never made and kept a New Year’s Resolution; I don’t plan on making any resolutions. I just plan to be absolutely resolute in anything I choose to do or not do. I’m optimistic about doing what it takes to begin feeling and looking like myself again. Which includes all the normal stuff, you know eating better, exercising more.

I’m also planning to do more of what I enjoy such as taking photographs, participating in instagram style challenges and writing in my virtual journal. If you’re not familiar with style challenges head on over to Instagram and enter #stylechallenge. I love this community of ladies who enjoy getting dressed everyday (well most days!) and the style prompts offer a little daily inspiration. While you’re there check out my very own style challenge #justforfunstyleprompts I hope you’ll play along or encourage someone else who needs a little daily inspiration to get dressed.

Have a great year! I’m looking forward to sharing what’s in my head with you.

I’m So Rosie,

Stay rosy y’all!

So Pressed

I started a new blog today using WordPress. I’m not sure how this will work out but I like the clean look as compared to the other site I was using.

A few years ago I started a blog, hoping to meet and connect with people who have similar interest. It feels like everyone is blogging nowadays and I’ll be the first to admit I am NOT a blogger. Those people are professionals. I think it’s just better for me to type out my thoughts rather than talk aloud to myself for fear that people will think I’m crazy.

I hope someone will read my ramblings, but if not, what I actually have here is just a very public diary. I do hope someone reads this. If you are that one person please send a message so that I know you’re out there. Send a question, a comment, a sarcastic remark…

Please and thanks!
